Windscreen Stone Chip Repair
Windscreen Stone Chip Repair. A minor chip or crack on the surface of the windscreen may not be much to a driver – a windscreen chip, nevertheless, can be quite inconvenient. It may not obscure them from seeing ahead or cause safety risks. Furthermore, with time, the windscreen chip may enlarge due to other small impacts and changes in the weather. This becomes a big threat to the vehicle’s quality and its occupants’ safety. That’s why you should get windscreen chip repair as soon as possible.
Car glass service first-rate, Windscreen Stone Chip Repair
We offer quality windscreen chip repair in a bid to restore the windscreen saving you the pain of having to replace the whole glass. Our team of qualified and dedicated professionals will ensure that you leave our premises with a smile on your face after seeing the quality windscreen chip repair your car has gone through.

Quality OEM glass
We use quality OEM glass. Our ranges of tools are among the best in the industry. The same applies to our bonding materials and sealants. All implanted materials would not come off at any rate or impact.
Comprehensive car windscreen chip repairs
It is advisable to have comprehensive car windscreen chip repairs and avoid future damage and heavy replacement charges. Not only will the repairs make your car look much better, but this is a smart investment you make in your car right. Now, get rid of any damage on your chipped windscreen to avoid having to dole out much larger sums of money later.
Car windscreen repair
We quote directly to your mobile devices via messages. Moreover, we endeavour to respond to requests in thirty minutes, during working hours and up to half past noon on the weekends. We provide the highest quality service at competitive prices.
Terms & Conditions
There is no warranty for stone chip repair as this is already broken glass. When a customer arrived we can do our best to save, you your time and money by trying to salvage it however repair cannot be guaranteed as glass may not survive the procedure.
We cannot guarantee that a successful stone chip repair will be completely invisible. There may be a taint in the area as there is dust, rain and other variables that can cause inside damage that may cause a small visible taint in the area of the Stone chip.
Stone chip repair is not a crack in the glass, it is a small spider net up to 1-1,5cm in size in total.
Stone chip repair is not offered as a mobile service, only available at our address.
Last few windscreen repair jobs
Request windscreen stone chip repair free quote, just call us 0750 226 6566!